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SKRECC Member Billy Hayes wins 2024 Who Powers You contest

Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives recently announced its 2024 winners of the Who Powers You contest. Now in its fourth year, the contest recognizes co-op members working to improve their communities.
Billy Hayes, a South Kentucky RECC member, was named first-place winner and received $1,000 for his efforts in feeding the less fortunate during the holidays in his community.
Hayes, who owns the Frisch’s Big Boy franchise in Somerset, has delivered Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts to more than a thousand less fortunate people in the south Kentucky region the last two years.
“If anyone ever has a need he is always coming up with ideas and executing them to help,” said Bobbie Coggins, who nominated Hayes for the award.
“Being in the food business and having a place to do it really streamlines the process,” Hayes said. His family spent 12 hours in the restaurant and employees refused to clock in. “It’s humbling to think people would put support and faith in another person.”
The Who Powers You contest is presented by Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Sixteen electric cooperatives solicit nominations of cooperative members who are making a positive impact in their co-op communities.
Learn more about the winners at www.WhoPowersYouKy.com. Next year’s contest will run during the month of October.