Emergency Notice:

If you have an emergency, please dial 800-264-5112 for Dispatch.

Scam Alert

Scam Alert

Electric cooperatives across Kentucky, including South Kentucky RECC, are reporting a surge in scammers attempting to exploit members amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began its spread, members from South Kentucky RECC have reported receiving calls from someone claiming to work for the local electric co-op and threatening to disconnect service without immediate payment.

South Kentucky RECC urges members to avoid arranging payment or divulging account or personal information, including debit or credit card information, over the phone unless you are certain you are speaking to SKRECC. If you are unsure, hang up and call the local office or (800) 264-5112. When making online payments, always double-check to ensure that you are on the correct website before submitting credit card information – www.skrecc.com.

SKRECC members who suspect a scamming attempt should contact their local office or (800) 264-5112 and the Kentucky Attorney General’s office:

Online scam reporting form:  ag.ky.gov/scams

Consumer Protection Hotline:  1-888-432-9257

Below are some tips South Kentucky RECC members should follow to protect themselves: 

  • Do not assume the name and number on your caller ID are legitimate. Caller IDs can be spoofed.
  • Never share your personal information, including date of birth, Social Security number or banking account information.
  • Never wire money to someone you don’t know.
  • Do not click links or call numbers in unexpected emails or texts – especially those asking for your account information.
  • South Kentucky RECC will NOT require members to purchase prepaid debit cards or money orders to avoid an immediate disconnection. 
  • If you receive a call that sounds like it may be a scam, or if you believe the call is a scam, hang up, call the police, report the incident to your SKRECC office, and report the call to the Attorney General’s Office.