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Frankfort/Washington Youth Tour
Youth Tour Kentucky

South Kentucky RECC (SKRECC) proudly participates in the Washington Youth Tour each year with other cooperatives across the nation.  To date, we have sent 100+ students to Washington D.C. on this life changing adventure as representatives for SKRECC and the State of Kentucky.  The goal of the program is to offer students an educational experience, outside of the classroom, that helps them become future leaders here and abroad.  
Nationally sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and statewide by Kentucky Electric Cooperatives, the Washington Youth Tour provides an incredible week in the nation’s Capital for high school students across South Kentucky RECC’s service territory.  This week in Washington, D.C., will help students develop their leadership and team building skills, provide networking opportunities with students across the United States, and allow them to see first-hand our country’s monuments and how our government works.
Prior to the Washington Youth Tour, selected South Kentucky RECC applicants will be taken to our state capital in Frankfort for a day of tours, meeting state legislators and other key figures, and learning more about Kentucky.

For Frankfort

Rules for Entry:
1. Eligible applicants are high school juniors living with a parent or legal guardian who is a South Kentucky RECC member.

2. All applicants will need to submit an essay answering the question, “In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge to the reliability of the electric grid in the future?

3. This essay should be typed, between 350-500 words, double-spaced, with proper paragraphs and punctuation.  Statistical information used in the paper should be referenced.  Each page needs to have a header with the paper title, student’s name, and be submitted before the school’s deadline. Any paper that does not follow the guidelines will not be considered.

4. Please include a short video with your name, school, hobbies and tell us a little about yourself.

5. The essays and videos will become property of SKRECC for unlimited promotional use.

6. SKRECC employees, Directors, or anyone receiving direct benefits from the cooperative, and members of their immediate families, are ineligible.

7. Youth Tour participants will be asked to adhere to CDC COVID protocols for the duration of the trip.

Deadline: December 18, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (Noon)
Semifinalists will be notified by Alan Coffey from South KY RECC. Each student selected will represent South KY RECC for a one-day trip to Frankfort, Kentucky, TBA, for the Frankfort Rural Electric Youth Tour.

Semifinalists from the Frankfort Youth Tour Compete for Washington D.C. Trip June 16-21, 2025

1. Semi-finalists (8 max) will be selected from the Frankfort Youth Tour attendees and invited to a banquet at South Kentucky RECC Headquarters in Somerset on TBA in the spring of 2025.

2. Each semi-finalist will be given 5 minutes to present on overview of their essay to attendees and a panel of judges.

3. Each student’s presentation will be judged for organization of content, oral presentation, and knowledge of material.

4. The student will also be asked 1 to 3 questions, based on their speech, by the panel of judges.

5. After the presentations, scores will be calculated, and the top scoring students (5 max) will be chosen to represent SKRECC in Washington D.C. on an all-expense paid trip June 16 – 21, 2025.  The remaining students will be alternates ranked in score order.

6. SKRECC reserves the right to change the selection process, as needed, due to a lack of or  abundance of qualified applicants.


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Alan Coffey (Primary)
(606) 451-4108

Doug Hutton (Secondary)
(606) 451-4148